Politico: Liberal Leaders Push for Progressive Litmus Test

Politico: Liberal Leaders Push for Progressive Litmus Test

As the 2020 Democratic primary field continues to grow, candidates seeking the nomination are pining for the “progressive” label.

December 10, 2018
Politico: Liberal Leaders Push for Progressive Litmus Test

As the 2020 Democratic primary field continues to grow, candidates seeking the nomination are pining for the “progressive” label. However, far-left leaders are worried that the popularity of the progressive brand will mean their policies will get lost in the commotion. As a result, they are working to create “very clear guidelines about what it means to be progressive.

Politico: “Leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are discussing policy platforms that could serve as a litmus test for presidential contenders. Progressive donors, meanwhile, are plotting steps — ranging from closer engagement with campaigns to ultimatums tied to fundraising — to ensure that “Medicare for All,” debt-free college and a non-militaristic foreign policy, among other causes, remain at the center of the upcoming campaign.”

As 2020 hopefuls #RaceToTheLeft on issues around immigration, corporate PAC donations, and a whole slew of other issues, they’ll have to work within the defined progressive parameters while simultaneously trying to appeal to voters in the early primary states. This balancing act has already proven to be difficult as potential candidates are struggling to meet the progressive expectations. For instance, Kirsten Gillibrand has attempted to walk back her stance on abolishing ICE and environmentalists have criticized Elizabeth Warren for not leading enough on climate issues.